Wednesday, March 7, 2007

hit and miss (information)

The job is not 100% accurate all the time, it is mostly about chance in some cases. A little luck here and there goes a long way but hard work usually gets the shot, meaning long hours inside a car, parked at a "door step", then following the celebrity in a car (non aggressively is preferable), then doing the story (i.e. a celebrity goes to Bristol Farms for some groceries before Thanks Giving day).

Sometimes you can drive along the streets, neighborhoods where celebrities are most likely to be spotted (i.e. on Robertson Blvd.) Why do some paparazzi hang around Robertson Blvd? The answer is quite easy, its because several high-end restaurants and clothing boutiques attract most but not all celebrities.

Celebrities know if the do not desire to be photographed they shouldn't be anywhere near Robertson Blvd.

Quoting Scarlett Johansson in Parade Magazine:

On avoiding the paparazzi: “There’s plenty of restaurants and neighborhoods that I just try to avoid. It sucks—especially in New York, because you want to feel like you can walk around anywhere. But it’s okay. I think it’s an adjustment. It’s horrible that you have to make the adjustment, but being as I can’t change the state of where we are now, and I’m sure it will never change, you just have to make the adjustment. What’s the alternative? I don’t want to move to the middle of nowhere. I’m a city kid.”

Information is KEY, without this nothing exists. The most basic information is to know where a celebrity lives and/or stays while in town (i.e. Hotel or leased/owned house), other information is where is a celebrity dinning or having brunch at any given day.

There are two types of information, common sense and acquired.

This is common sense:
  • Is a celebrity going on vacation?
  • Is it his/her birthday?
  • Are they expecting?
  • Are the splitting up?
  • Are they hooking up?
  • Did they perish?
  • Where they in an car accident?
  • Are they in rehab?
  • Did they "come out" (gay/lesbian/trans gender)?
  • Did they have a makeover (shaved their head, blond hair, black hair)?
  • Is it a Holiday?
  • Are they filming a movie?
  • Are they in a TV commercial?
  • Are they addicted?
  • Did they commit a crime?
  • What car do they drive?
  • etc...
Acquired is the type of information that is given by an "informant", sometimes even a publicist or in many cases a magazine reporter.

Thanks to information is that all the headlines and photographs that fill the magazines and its covers exist every single week.

Enough for tonight.

to be continued...

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